Our New Normal

The summer has now come to an end and school is about to start. However, the school we know where everyone excitedly clamors together on the playground waiting for the bell to ring is no more. Now, some kids are going to school, but have to wear face masks and practice social distancing. Others are staying home and learning virtually. Finally, there are students who will hybrid learn, meaning they have a combination of in-person learning and remote access. The only common denominator to our new normal is the sad fact that our children are not socializing with their peers. Anxiety, depression, loneliness are what our kids are experiencing instead of camaraderie, laughter, and fun times with friends.

This pandemic has caused our kids to isolate and spend more time on their computers than we would ever have allowed in the past. Those kids who had difficulty socializing before are now having an even more challenging time. Kids who didn’t have an issue with socializing are for the first time experiencing what it is like to be by yourself for extended periods of time.

Since the onset of the pandemic, Friendzonekids has been offering virtual classes to bring kids together and be kids. They are talking, discussing, laughing, playing games, debating, advocating, but most importantly SOCIALIZING with their peers. Over the summer, we were able to continue our virtual classes, but also offer in-person classes while practicing all Covid-19 safety procedures. It is so important to remember that academia is only part of the learning that a child needs to grow into adulthood. Socialization is the other key component. Friendzonekids will continue to offer both in-person and virtual classes for the new school year. We look forward to socializing with you!

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